00:01:46 Court McCracken (she/her): You’re here for J(US)tice in Volunteer Engagement: BALANCE.BRAVE. BELIEF With Donte Curtis, Catch Your Dream Consulting 00:01:55 Court McCracken (she/her): We’ll begin at the top of the hour! In just 14 minutes 00:02:26 Court McCracken (she/her): Till then, please feel free to introduce yourself: share your organization, where you’re located, how you engage volunteers there, and what your focused on right now in your org and community 00:07:05 Court McCracken (she/her): Welcome welcome! 00:07:14 Kenisha Akra: hello everyone 00:07:40 Annelise Ferry: hi there! 00:12:26 Patti Teves: I’m Patti in Woodstock n would like to volunteer with youth for Christ 00:12:55 Annelise Ferry: where's everyone joining us from today? 00:12:59 Annelise Ferry: Hi Patti! 00:13:23 Donte Curtis: Enjoy the jam session fam 00:13:31 Court McCracken (she/her): Currently playing: Glory by Detroit Youth Choir, Kid Jay 00:13:42 Kristin Keckler-Alexander: Hi all, I'm Kris from the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City 00:13:45 Court McCracken (she/her): https://open.spotify.com/track/4HqWuLgU2itPvDTbgZ6ude?si=0f89bb03415a4d32 00:13:47 Lindsey Olsen: I am Lindsey from Journey Home animal Care center in Rifle, CO 00:13:47 Peg Shipley: Washington State with Bristol Hospice - this music selection is fantastic :) 00:13:55 Jose Calvillo: Jose from Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation in Houston, Texas. 00:14:00 Court McCracken (she/her): Hi and welcome! Thank you for being here today 00:14:23 Sandra Logan: Sandra from Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana 00:14:25 Oshaua Mccurrie: Hi Oshaua from Memphis Zoo in Memphis,TN. 00:14:34 Angel Royal: I am Angel from Make-A-Wish Oklahoma! 00:14:37 Court McCracken (she/her): Welcome, thank you so much for being here today 00:14:39 Annelise Ferry: Hello everyone! 00:14:45 Kenisha Akra: I am SW student 00:14:47 Shawnice Stratford: Hi, Shawnice from YMCA of Greater Charlotte, North Carolina. 00:14:48 Lynn Myers: I'm Lynn, Volunteer Coordinator for the Flagler Humane Society, Palm Coast, FL. 00:15:00 Donte Curtis: Happy to connect with yall if you want fam 00:15:01 Annelise Ferry: Welcome!! 00:15:05 Court McCracken (she/her): Not too far away, Shawnice,I’m in Asheville! 00:15:11 Terry Preston: I love this song 00:15:21 Ladessa Sparks: Hello Everyone 00:15:28 Donte Curtis: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dontecurtis/ 00:15:34 Mackenzie Laney: I'm Kenzie from Humane Society of North Texas 😺 00:15:37 Court McCracken (she/her): Yeah, you can find this song on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4HqWuLgU2itPvDTbgZ6ude?si=0f89bb03415a4d32 00:15:41 Ruth Moore-Lilly: Hello everyone. Volunteer Program Manager with Hospice of Michigan and Arbor Hospice. Awesome song!! 00:15:57 Shawnice Stratford: Yes, Court! I <3 the mountain's 00:16:03 Annelise Ferry: Hello and Welcome! 00:16:15 Donte Curtis: Ayeeeee Texas in the house 00:16:22 Donte Curtis: Im from H town 00:16:31 Andy Bishop Cox: Hi everyone! Andy Bishop Cox, Arlington Public Library Arlington, TX 00:16:32 Carli Jarvis: Hi from Bristol, VA/TN... Carli Jarvis, Community Educator and Volunteer Coordinator at Abuse Alternatives, Inc. 💜 00:16:35 Kenisha Akra: I am East Texas 00:16:43 Malorie Black: From Provo, Utah! 00:16:44 Court McCracken (she/her): Thank you for being here! 00:16:45 Eddie Diaz: Hi. Bay Area (Berkeley) 00:16:52 Terry Preston: Gwinnett County Library/Volunteer Program Manager 00:17:05 Ladessa Sparks: Ladessa Sparks, Recruiter & Partner Relations Development Manager at Trusted Mentors 00:17:11 Alanna Hill: Alanna from ART Inc in Peoria, IL 00:17:14 Terry Preston: I needed this song today. Thank you 00:17:14 Christi Terefenko: Hi! I'm Christi from Reading, PA 00:17:33 Ladessa Sparks: Indianapolis, Indiana 00:17:39 Matilda Gragg: Hi there, Matilda from Jacksonville, NC. I am the Outreach Manager for the Onslow Victims Center. 00:17:39 Kellie Vitaich: Hello from Northern California! 00:17:48 Chelsea Usher: Hi! I’m Chelsea from Riverside, CA! Happy to be here! 00:17:52 Annelise Ferry: welcome everyone! 00:18:02 Lindy Engelken: Hi there! 00:18:14 Lindy Engelken: Lindy from DARTS in West St. Paul, MN 00:18:15 Schelia Romanelly: Hello, Schelia Romanelly- Program Coordinator for Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors in Terre Haute, IN 00:18:28 Maryssa Castro: Hello Everyone AmeriCorps RSVP Coordinator Fresno CA 00:18:44 Donte Curtis: Yessss love americorps 00:18:53 Gabby Santiago: Hello from Make-A-Wish Minnesota in Saint Paul! 00:18:58 Jessica Pang-Parks: It's Jessica from learnwithjpp.com- So excited to be here! 00:19:01 Cindi Pritchett: Good afternoon. Cindi with Grindstone Ministries in Wister, OK 00:19:04 Chanda Day: Hello everyone! Chanda Day with National Patient Advocate Foundation 00:19:07 Donte Curtis: Gabby what’s. Up 00:19:15 Annelise Ferry: welcome everyone! 00:19:17 Donte Curtis: JPP 00:20:25 Amber Yares: YAY St. Paul 00:20:34 Donte Curtis: Connect with me 00:21:27 Carli Jarvis: ❤️ 00:23:18 Monica Jasso: "40 acres and a mule. This is bigger than the music." #K.Dot4prez 00:23:30 Ann Boden: I am from the Hospices in Newmarket, Ontario Canada 00:23:31 Victoria Drake: 🙌 00:23:35 Matilda Gragg: 💜 00:23:49 Schelia Romanelly: We gonna be alright!! 00:23:54 Shawnice Stratford: amen 00:23:56 Terry Preston: Im concerned not consumed 00:24:02 Bambi Harper: I needed this energy today! Thank you Donte! 00:24:27 Monica Jasso: 🙌🏼 00:24:33 Maryssa Castro: 🩷 00:24:37 Yasmin Frausto: 🤎 00:24:41 Chanda Day: ❤️ 00:24:56 Christi Garris: 👏 00:24:57 Cherie Martin: 👏 00:25:26 Whitney Thomas: 🙌 00:26:09 Peg Shipley: ❤️ 00:26:10 Court McCracken (she/her): So important to breathe right now … especially when mind is rushing around 00:26:21 Victoria Drake: manifesting! 🙌 00:26:22 Court McCracken (she/her): 💜 00:26:53 Annelise Ferry: Thank you for this reminder ! 00:28:06 Court McCracken (she/her): https://www.abhmuseum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Transcript-of-John-Lewis-Letter-to-America.pdf 00:29:45 Kenisha Akra: I need hear this and thank you 00:30:22 Kristin Keckler-Alexander: its cold in KC too 🥶 00:30:29 Court McCracken (she/her): Connect with your WHY 00:31:50 Court McCracken (she/her): Drop a ❤️ for Connection! 00:32:09 Monica Jasso: ❤️ 00:32:10 Victoria Drake: 💚 00:32:10 Lindy Engelken: ❤️ 00:32:18 Chanda Day: ❤️ 00:32:27 Anna LePetri: ❤️ 00:32:30 Jessica Pang-Parks: ❤️ 00:32:35 Samantha Machalik Gallagher: 🩵 00:32:40 Shawnice Stratford: <3 00:32:44 Annelise Ferry: ❤️ 00:32:58 Mackenzie Laney: 💜 00:33:09 Ladessa Sparks: 💜 00:33:10 Christi Terefenko: <3 00:33:17 Chloe Kinnahan: 💜 00:33:23 Kristin Keckler-Alexander: ❤️ 00:34:59 Jessica Pang-Parks: lol... not really 00:35:02 Chelsea Usher: I’m so grateful to have a boss that truly believes in balance and makes sure we do too. 00:35:11 DORTHEY HOUSTON: nope 00:35:33 Annelise Ferry: Balance is truly key 🔑 00:37:15 Court McCracken (she/her): Different elements are definitely not equal right now, but perhaps they are in correct proportions. I’m living in a city recovering from disastrous flooding - so what we’ve got to do to recover is a lot more than what many of us would have thought we could have done. But it takes the whole community in whatever ways we can show up. 00:40:58 Annelise Ferry: I love that idea of proportionality! 00:42:09 Monica Jasso: For me, it's getting outdoors and getting involved in more local, grass-roots efforts. 00:42:25 Annelise Ferry: in keeping with this idea of balance, here is an article about preventing burnout: https://www.galaxydigital.com/blog/nonprofit-burnout 00:42:42 Court McCracken (she/her): Absolutely hear that, Monica 00:42:56 Victoria Drake: For me, it's painting what I can't verbally express. 00:42:59 Lindy Engelken: This is so in line with my 2025 goals! 00:43:13 Court McCracken (she/her): Love painting, Victoria 00:43:14 Gabby Santiago: I've had to literally put 'connect' on my weekly to-do list 00:43:30 Annelise Ferry: That's fantastic, Victoria! 00:43:44 Court McCracken (she/her): Yes, setting goals and putting it on the weekly calendar! 00:44:04 Court McCracken (she/her): I do a Sunday phone call to family who live far away to maintain connection 00:44:31 Lindy Engelken: That's great, Court! 00:44:39 Maryssa Castro: I haven't been running lately and my goal is to get back to meeting with my running group 00:44:55 Shawnice Stratford: a personal mission plan haha 00:45:00 Court McCracken (she/her): Group meet ups are helpful for connection and accountability on those personal goals! 00:45:15 Chanda Day: I do need some organizational plans for my personal life 00:46:06 Celina Anderson: I hosted a plus-size clothing swap this weekend and it was lovely to connect with friends old and new, and refresh our wardrobes for free! 00:46:14 Lindy Engelken: I don't keep my weekly goals on a calendar. I write them on a post-it note, put it on my bathroom mirror for the week so it is right in my face and I can reflect on it. 00:46:30 Kinnethia Tolson: whoo AmeriCorps! 2 years with City Year here 00:46:34 Court McCracken (she/her): Love this idea, Celina! Have been thinking of doing something like that with craft supplies - swapping with friends! 00:46:37 Cherie Martin: I am also an AmeriCorps! 00:47:00 Celina Anderson: 🧡 00:47:07 Victoria Drake: ;fdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff[[' 00:47:45 Victoria Drake: .;' 00:48:02 Victoria Drake: Sorry, I was carrying my laptop. haha 00:48:21 Court McCracken (she/her): All good! 00:48:23 Jessica Pang-Parks: You are human being, not a human doing. I saw that quote somewhere and try to remember it 00:48:29 Carli Jarvis: 💜 00:48:30 Chelsea Usher: 🙌🙌🙌 00:48:32 Annelise Ferry: "you cannot have balance without boundaries" 00:48:38 Jessica Pang-Parks: I thought Victoria's message could have been a cat lol 00:48:40 Monica Jasso: YES!!! "No balance without boundaries." I love me some boundaries. 00:48:44 Court McCracken (she/her): Balance needs boundaries … definitely taking that in 00:48:59 Anna LePetri: I know that's right!! 🙌 00:49:01 Kenisha Akra: This is so true I been working on boundaries, balance, organize, and focus in my life. We try been working on balance for Volunteer also. 00:49:07 DORTHEY HOUSTON: Now, you are speaking to my soul 00:49:12 Maryssa Castro: yes! so true 00:49:47 Cindi Pritchett: Boundaries are healthy 00:50:21 DORTHEY HOUSTON: lunch break? lol 00:50:31 Court McCracken (she/her): I took a workshop on boundaries a few years ago just to help me even start to define what a healthy boundary looked like… I was so far off from understanding 00:50:57 Shawnice Stratford: "No' is my favorite word 00:51:00 Latosha Cox: Put lunch break on your calendar now as a reacquiring meeting. 00:51:05 Cherie Martin: As I got my lunch to eat at the beginning of this webinar 00:51:07 Court McCracken (she/her): We need snacks and water! 00:51:11 Victoria Drake: No is such a powerful word too. No means NO. 00:51:32 Kenisha Akra: I have start doing my lunch brake, but now I am working taking my 2 15 min brake also. 00:51:34 Annelise Ferry: 🙌 00:51:57 Carli Jarvis: 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 00:52:06 Anna LePetri: My coworker and I find ourselves sending notes to each other on Finch just to drink water completely subconsciously and on accident... letting that sink in (also Finch is an excellent self care app if yall are looking for something) 00:52:13 Maryssa Castro: 👏🏼 00:52:37 Sandra Logan: I'm taking my lunch break for the rest of this week 00:52:37 Latosha Cox: Starting saying “No” & “Hell No” more often! 00:52:40 Kenisha Akra: my supervisor been getting on us about taking our brakes and reporting if no one give to us. 00:52:41 Amber Yares: I love Finch - it has helped 00:52:42 Court McCracken (she/her): Yes, have seen friends using Finch successfully to remind them of important daily self care 00:52:42 Shawnice Stratford: set the standard, enforce the boundary 00:52:44 Celina Anderson: I've been obsessed with Finch, too! 🐦 00:53:11 DORTHEY HOUSTON: How do you set boundaries when you have let it go so long? 00:53:28 Anna LePetri: Finch friends!! I joke that it took needing to take care of my virtual bird to start taking care of myself... lol 00:53:29 Lindy Engelken: I'm going to look that up right meow 00:53:30 Gabby Santiago: Captain Awkward and Ask A Manager have a good framing on boundaries that I like: it's not about telling other people what to do. It's deciding how you will respond/what the consequences will be when they do something. 00:54:21 Court McCracken (she/her): “The only way your yeses can be powerful is if your nos are powerful” 00:55:43 Kenisha Akra: freestyle poetry been helping to vent also 00:55:44 Shawnice Stratford: Dorothy, it's NEVER too late. Say "No" to something today haha. Maybe even wait a few hrs. and say "let me think about it' before you say yes or no. just give yourself space 00:56:40 Court McCracken (she/her): Something that has worked for me and my close friends is creating a boundary or framework around venting. It’s like I need 5 min and then I’ll be done. And then we just respond with “you are heard” and that’s it. Such a relief. 00:56:55 DORTHEY HOUSTON: Thanks Shawnice. Even us older people need help too. 00:57:08 Gabby Santiago: Yes! "Let me think about" and "let me check my calendar." Take a little bit of the pressure off yourself to respond in the moment, as the first step towards saying no. 00:57:23 Court McCracken (she/her): Absolutely ^ love this 00:58:03 Monica Jasso: "We listen and we don't judge." 00:58:03 DORTHEY HOUSTON: @Court and @Gabby thanks. I will give it a try today. 00:58:04 Shawnice Stratford: you're welcome. it has helped me a lot 00:58:07 Jessica Pang-Parks: I find that sharing that you're working on setting boundaries helps too. "I want to say yes, but I'm working on setting boundaries. Can you help me with that?" 00:59:09 Court McCracken (she/her): That is helpful, Jessica, thank you for sharing ^ 00:59:30 Annelise Ferry: yes!! we all have different strengths and capacities! 01:01:19 Sandra Logan: @Celina Anderson, I would like to know more information about your plus-size clothing swap. Can you email me the details please? slogan@cancer-services.org 01:01:23 Monica Jasso: vulnerability 01:01:24 Carli Jarvis: security 01:01:26 Jessica Pang-Parks: boring 01:01:27 Chloe Kinnahan: protected 01:01:27 Katie LaScaleia: secure 01:01:27 Peg Shipley: accepted 01:01:29 Ladessa Sparks: security 01:01:29 Lindy Engelken: Trust 01:01:31 Court McCracken (she/her): What other words come to mind with the word safe? 01:01:33 Amber Yares: hidden 01:01:33 Oshaua Mccurrie: open 01:01:36 Christi Terefenko: quiet 01:01:37 Kinnethia Tolson: sanctuary 01:01:41 Patti Teves: Peace 01:01:43 Shawnice Stratford: confidentiality 01:01:44 DORTHEY HOUSTON: peace 01:01:46 Kenisha Akra: protection, love, 01:01:47 Stacey Smith: secure 01:01:49 Ladessa Sparks: serenity 01:01:57 Kenisha Akra: healthy 01:02:09 Shawnice Stratford: lol 01:03:00 Ann Boden: belonging 01:03:01 Shawnice Stratford: my executive has started saying "safe space, brave space" 01:03:23 Maryssa Castro: so true! 01:03:27 Chloe Kinnahan: we have started using the term “brave space” too! 01:04:12 Gabby Santiago: daring 01:04:14 Peg Shipley: dare 01:04:15 Kenisha Akra: so true this what I been telling myself 01:04:16 Christi Garris: bold 01:04:16 Maryssa Castro: strong 01:04:18 Chanda Day: strong 01:04:19 Court McCracken (she/her): It’s such an interesting line to stay present with how much friction is needed to grow 01:04:20 Lindy Engelken: strength 01:04:21 Amber Yares: trying something new 01:04:22 Carli Jarvis: courageous 01:04:23 Victoria Drake: Being put in uncomfortable situations and handling them well. 01:04:24 Lynn Myers: fearless 01:04:28 Jessica Pang-Parks: courage 01:04:30 Shawnice Stratford: courage 01:04:33 Christi Terefenko: courage 01:04:35 Lonjezo Phiri: courage 01:04:35 Patti Teves: Strong 01:04:38 Shawnice Stratford: doing it scared 01:04:49 Lynn Myers: doesn't care what others think or say about them 01:04:57 Shawnice Stratford: faith 01:04:57 Lonjezo Phiri: resilience 01:04:58 DORTHEY HOUSTON: @Shawnice I have heard that before! 01:05:05 Schelia Romanelly: strength 01:05:09 Kenisha Akra: strength, facing fear, 01:05:15 Stacey Smith: strength 01:06:05 Robyn Washington: heroic 01:07:00 Kenisha Akra: I been working on been brave and speaking out 01:09:43 Lindy Engelken: wise! 01:09:58 Carli Jarvis: ❤️ 01:10:06 Maryssa Castro: 🩷 01:10:10 Gabby Santiago: Tolkien said something very similar about despair being a weapon 01:10:12 Monica Jasso: Damn, I feel that. After 11/6, I had to actively choose to hope. It's a deliberate action and not always easy. 01:10:46 Shawnice Stratford: for sure, happiness gotta be in your step you not about to walk up to it. 01:11:43 Jesse Brown: Thank you for your fire and passion Donte <3 Grateful for all you shared here 01:11:57 Shawnice Stratford: refinement 01:12:08 Lindy Engelken: Thank you Dante! 01:12:30 Court McCracken (she/her): Nurturing hope ❤️ 01:12:37 Sara Putney: Love your passion--thank you for sharing 01:13:34 Schelia Romanelly: Thank you for the inspiring and uplifting message! 01:16:00 Chanda Day: Thank you, Donte!❤️ 01:16:30 DORTHEY HOUSTON: Donte, this has been truly inspiring today. I needed the uplift! Thank you! 01:16:47 Rufaro Bulathsinghalage: 10/10 01:16:51 Christi Terefenko: Thank you, Donte! 01:16:56 Ruth Moore-Lilly: Thank you so much Donte!!!! 01:16:56 Lonjezo Phiri: Thank you 01:16:57 Chelsea Usher: 👏👏👏 01:17:00 Celina Anderson: Thank you! 01:17:02 Gabby Santiago: ❤️ 01:17:04 Kenisha Akra: thank you 01:17:06 Maryssa Castro: thank you! 01:17:06 Carli Jarvis: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 01:17:08 Cassandra Summers: Thank you! 01:17:08 Patti Teves: Thanks 01:17:11 Sandra Logan: Thank you 01:17:12 Graeme Dickson: Thank you Donte, very inspiring and passionate 01:17:13 Monica Jasso: 🙌🏼🌹 01:17:13 Ann Boden: Thank you 01:17:17 Shawnice Stratford: Awesome. 01:17:19 Jessica Pang-Parks: that was amazing thanks 01:17:22 Chanda Day: 👏 01:17:24 Jenny Keener: Amazing! Thank you! 01:17:28 Corinne Napper: Thank you! 01:17:32 Annelise Ferry: thank you so much, everyone!!! 01:17:38 Donte Curtis: Im happy to stay on if anyone want to ask questions 01:17:40 Oshaua Mccurrie: Thank You❤️ 01:17:41 Donte Curtis: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dontecurtis/ 01:17:43 Stacey Smith: Thank you!!! ⭐ 01:18:20 Carli Jarvis: ❤️ 01:18:41 Annelise Ferry: I will be taking "do it for you" 01:18:42 Rufaro Bulathsinghalage: Your comments on bravery were extremely inspiring! 01:18:49 Graeme Dickson: we need to know to be greedy for ourselves at times, and that will help us help others in the end 01:18:50 DORTHEY HOUSTON: Speak up and say it with my chest and not be afraid. 01:18:53 Ruth Moore-Lilly: Say no more often. 01:19:05 Patti Teves: I’m going to schedule me in my life 01:19:11 Carli Jarvis: Being intentional with boundaries and continuing to be brave!!! 01:19:12 Andy Bishop Cox: Thank you! This has been inspiring and reminds me to continue to push beyond comfort! 01:19:17 Mackenzie Laney: "no" is a complete sentence. love it! Sharing with my team 01:19:17 Chanda Day: Speak up for myself and learn to say no 01:19:19 Maryssa Castro: I really liked the wellbeing wheel 01:19:39 Carli Jarvis: Self care 01:19:58 Kenisha Akra: brave, balance, Boundaries and stand my ground and say no without guilt. 01:20:13 Donte Curtis: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dontecurtis/ 01:20:39 Kenisha Akra: I do go therapy 01:21:02 Carli Jarvis: 👏🏽 01:21:02 Monica Jasso: Happy Black History Month!!! 01:21:08 Anna LePetri: Thank you!! 01:21:29 Kenisha Akra: see yall later 01:21:35 Carli Jarvis: Thank you, Court! Always a pleasure!