Welcome to Galaxy Digital’s Agency Engagement Series! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be enlisting the wisdom of our nonprofit superstars to offer helpful insight into more effective engagement with your partner agencies.
How is This Series Pertinent to You?
As a volunteer center that has invested in Get Connected, you’ve probably developed some valuable partnerships with other nonprofit agencies. Perhaps you’re looking to bring those agencies on board so that they can post and manage volunteer opportunities and recruit volunteers. Or if they already have Connect accounts, maybe you’d like to encourage more active platform engagement from agency managers. Regardless, there is always room for improvement when it comes to agency engagement!
What is Agency Engagement?
Get Connected is a way for volunteer centers to become more efficient and effective by providing a single platform where partner agencies can create profiles and post needs. It’s a valued resource for expanding your network of community programs, volunteers and partners. For this platform to be at its most effective, partner agencies must regularly engage with your site, posting needs and actively connecting with volunteers. When agencies and their site managers engage with a volunteer center’s Connect platform, they:
What’s Your Story?
Every organization has its own approach to involving its partners, and your definition of agency successful agency engagement may be different — or broader, or more specific — than what’s listed above. We’ve spoken with several site managers of United Ways and other volunteer centers, and we’ll be sharing some of their keys to successful agency engagement throughout this series.